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PreSonus BlueTube
PreSonus BlueTube
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GoldMS GoldMS
Published on 07/04/04 at 10:58
Value For Money : Excellent
The Presonus Blue Tube is a stro prampli lamp for each channel with a
BONTON Gain Bonton Drive controller and a level of the lamp.
View a meter on each channel controls the level of and
signal saturation.

There is no BONTON on / off.
Therefore Unplug the prampli to stop or connecting a switch.

I put 9 / 10 because I understand that they not put a switch ...
c so much as a?


use, it could not be more simple.

For my part, I made many tests SETTING THE level of Gain and Drive
for the signal to noise ratio the best possible.

Increase the level of the drive significantly increases the level of noise.


The sound quality is excellent.
The sound is trsdfini, and this even in the treble.
The sound is both warm and prcis trs.
is the sound recordings of pro CD I have at home, and made
pleased to see that you can get the same quality that price.


I use it now for four months, and I'm satisfied.

I love the amlioration the quality of sound that makes my prampli condenser microphone.
When I bought it, I n'tais not yet convinced by the contribution of the lamps ...
Now c done!!

Personally, I use slightly Drive button, the sound is good and friendly dj with trs
a minimum level e drive my taste ... but hey, c subjective.

I bought a mono prampli ART 100 euros.
The BlueTube is certainly more expensive, but what a diffrence in sound quality.
This makes the voice prampli just beautiful. I could do without,
It's pure pleasure ...

The report price is good quality because the quality is really at the appointment.

I referrer that choice without hsiter, and besides, I bought his companion compressor Bluemax
rduire for the dynamics of my prfrer singer !!!!!