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Numark TTX
Numark TTX

Turntable from Numark belonging to the TT series

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wiscard wiscard
Published on 06/18/06 at 17:40
Hi all, I use my ttx depui 5 months, and I just wanted to answer someone who said in the notices preceding the ttx ke fail after a short time, I have chosen by ttx recommendation and After having a try at a friends who depuit a little while, and yet it never shit, the only trick to your ttx ke you a hard time max is the interview! You just buy a bomb and blow your area platinum with some regularity, notament under the top level of electromagnetism, but also in rénure pitch, dust accumulates quite quickly and this, on any stage (For my part I use a tablecloth for the recouvrire I do not use it )!!!! do not hesitate to put a shot as a good distance on your cell, as it avoids to a certain person who goes with the tip of the diamond has, garlic garlic poor diamond!! lol. by causing it to add more content on your fingers impurter that what you take away from the original (again, hello damage to the vinyl!), here if I do not regret at all, c 'is really good material. but like any good after c, you will not find the plate really perfect, each brand has its strengths and default, you just know it all together and see which contain the least amount of default. ;-)