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Stanton Magnetics STR8-50
Stanton Magnetics STR8-50
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Nigo Nigo
Published on 05/21/06 at 16:22
I buy this board in late 2002, at the time I began as a dj and I too can afford to buy a turntable to 500 euros each.

So I turned to the stanton str8-50 that was more in my price range.

Since I knew not mix at all, Well I galèrais becaufe belt drive, and weaker than the direct drive.

But after a while I found the right balance between pushing the tray and slow, and I gained some precision thanks to this board, as opposed to those who have started on the decks and even super-known after 10 years of practice can not properly calibrate a disc.

I tried several decks since I started up today and the fact that it is belt-driven does not bother me because I can blend perfectly with today.

With this board we are able to mix and scratch, even if it is not a special deck for scratching because its engine is not powerful enough, it still manages to make the most basic of scratches.

This board is for all who want to start mixing, because it is cheap and can do what he asks.

The cell is strong enough and the pitch +10 / -10 is thus clear from the weakness of the engine is a super player.

If I had the choice again I would do it again.