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Aria Pro II XX Deluxe
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Published on 12/31/05 at 10:16
This is a guitar and not Japanese Coren. I have to change the head of mcaniques, one of them taient abme. I have not had much, since I had a set of mcaniques I had left I had a guitar explodes. ;)

21 boxes, two double coils.

Fender standard bridge type.

1 volume knob and a knob Tone slecteur position (neck, bridge, and 2).

Channel end, thin frets.


The handle is so enjoyable to play, not too wide or too strait (even if the radius head is fine).

Access in acute and trs ais seen the shape of the guitar.

In terms of shape, ergonomically speaking, we can not say that play is relaxing sitting, unless you have the technique to wedge one of the wings below the thigh and rest the rest of the body on the opposite knee. I found the position quickly, in fact, as I had taken lessons with Alain Aim me prtait the Explorer (not quite the same type of position to catch, but it is not a stratum, then it must do), I quickly trs ISP used to play with Flying. I was also aid that the years of classical guitar or back broken in two, you can not get something from scratch drinking, so it fits. Weight level, it is not Legris (mahogany body?) But it is well balance, when you lches body playing up, it does not sting the nose.

This gives a good sound ... condition to change the pickups. The MODEL I (which is an ancient t Custom with Jackson United States in an easel. The neck pickup is not bad, but should not ask him to sound like a Gibson.


She did everything to be what I play, the base metal, no frills. Again, with a pickup adapted.

I play a Peavy Rage 15. I went through a Laney, a Marshall, a Mesa / Boogie (which I sold, a studio apartment in a .22, it is not possible, you can not play). It remains for me the Rage 15 is not the panacea to Contents amp, but good enough for me, since I do not play in a band.

The "grosson" forget it. It is not a black metal scraper to three tons of distortion. It is a typical EPR-sounding 80. So the distortion correct, with the right amount of harmonics.
Its clear trs well well, all of the alliance dpend amp-guitar-effects. Personally, I do not use effects, but one of distortion pedals (Boss DS-1) and Chorus (Ibanez). CLAIT slamming her pretty, trendy Fender. Even on the neck pickup, no roundness.


I bought it in a Cash Converters (ZZ I bought too, but I sold it) for next to nothing. It made me happy BECAUSE roughly 'the era, I bavais front and I could not pay me.

Form, Obviously, I sduit. The concern with this type of form is ... TRS suffers a fast. Mine ad baroud not bad, are the two wings exploded in the paint.

I had a lot of guitars (PRS, Ibanez, Jackson United States, Charvel United States, United States Fender, Gibson, Samick, Hohner, ESP, Applause). I still have a few (three to be fair) with it.

Let's say for the price I paid, I'm glad trs.

Obviously, if I find one of ZZ OCCAZ, it's a safe bet that I achte if not excessive. I knew these guitars when they came out, I've seen but have not tried (fear of ridicule, can be). With hindsight and years, I like to put my hands on it, I breathe vintage fawn Twisted Sister or Accept ...