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Published on 02/13/06 at 06:53
Hi all
Hamer Standard Explorer made in china
22 Freight
Channel (sorry no idea)
Handle very pleasant and has access to acute niquel
The weight left something to be desired but hey when you love ......
The sound is really beautiful when the seller has tried me for me (I am a beginner) I really alluciné (I've heard a lot of scratches)
I learn the blue and must say that I do not open
I have a fender amp field 25se and with the guitar is niquel but hey that's my opinion
I've had three months and a budget I did not hesitate. So treat yourself and try it even if you regreteré not Chinese
Hamer Standard Explorer made in china
22 Freight
Channel (sorry no idea)
Handle very pleasant and has access to acute niquel
The weight left something to be desired but hey when you love ......
The sound is really beautiful when the seller has tried me for me (I am a beginner) I really alluciné (I've heard a lot of scratches)
I learn the blue and must say that I do not open
I have a fender amp field 25se and with the guitar is niquel but hey that's my opinion
I've had three months and a budget I did not hesitate. So treat yourself and try it even if you regreteré not Chinese