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Jackson Pro Randy Rhoads RR3
Jackson Pro Randy Rhoads RR3

V/XPL/FB Shaped Guitar from Jackson belonging to the Pro series

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mika666 mika666

«  Jackson RR3 .. Perfect! But ... »

Published on 09/20/12 at 14:19
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2 micro ringing after his tastes and colors ..
I have put the paf joe or above those of the guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold .. But it seems to drool too ..

On youtube you can find videos test.

After the original ones, even as it is sharp, cold, it's made for metal what ..
Despite that clean, jazzy style that goes ..


Well, well, it's a fly, not to play sitting H24 lol.
Pulls a little to the front, some changes the location of the screw strap but I find it useful, it is not death .. Or if you call Alexis Laiho ^ ^

Treble not great, but on a much pulling 9-46 but take the Satriani ibanez ..
A fly in 11-56 you play something like that .. (Granted drop of course)


I play on a Peavy, Marshall occasionally, it takes a good sound roughly ..
After as said above, this is not the microphones ..
Sounds, but not as I love, I want something heavy riff in balèze and it is not with the original ones ..

Its cold in clean, accurate at all times except, yes, with the neck pickup, it drool a little ..
But for a hard rock sound that sounds good.


I've had almost two years, I have a yamaha with Dimarzio, your agreement you hold me longtps unlike jackson .. And this is a Yam ..
I also have 2 Ibanez with different microphones course, but Duncan, Dimarzio, and Infinity, a signing LTD Laiho (Children of Bodom), and another lol.

I like the shape on stage you posting YOUR style immediately.

I remake this choice, maybe not, I will ascend to the RR1 with more microphones. Balèze of departure ..