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Gladiator - A revolution in synthesis!

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Topic Gladiator - A revolution in synthesis!

The demoversion and more info is available here:

These demosongs do not use samples. Everything is 100% HCM Synthesis.


Price: Eur 149, $199

A revolution in synthesis!

Gladiator is one of the most powerful synthesizers ever. This is a tough statement, but you should read this...

What is Harmonic Content Morphing (HCM) Synthesis?

This new synthesis method is based on a large and expandable repertoire of
standard waves like pulse, unique synthetic waveforms as well as resynthesis
waves like trumpets, organs, pianos and voice samples. These waves can be
modified in real-time by e.g. FM modulation, altering its harmonic structure,
syncing, waveshaping,...
Any modification of a wave can be modulated producing lively shimmery
sounds (recall: with only one oscillator!). In total there are more than 30,000
different spectra available for combination and modulation.


You can take a Hammond organ, FM modulate the organ with a sawtooth,
create a hypersaw and amplitude modulate this signal with a BPM synced vocoder drumline.

What is the advantage of Gladiator compared to other synthesizers?

* Real high-end sound quality: Analog, warm, transparent and fat
* Huge sonic range: From classic to unique science fiction
* Excellent value for money
* Low CPU and high reliability
* Gladiator can replace a complete room full of hardware
* Flexibility and expandability
* 750 professional sounds from Vengeance and others
* Gladiator was created by professional dsp scientists

Synthesis features

* Advanced HCM (new synthesis, unique sounds)
* FM
* AM
* PWM (can be applied on every waveform)
* Sync
* Phase modulation / PM
* Vocoder sounds (512 bands)
* Waveshaping
* Supersaw (can be applied on every waveform)
* Additive sounds (512 harmonics)
* Resynthesis sounds
* Phase distortion
* Sample playback
* Real stereo
* 18 oscillators per voice
* 74 different oscillator types with 30208 waveforms
* Additional user defined waveforms with modifiers
* Aliasfree / 162x oversampling (sample playback)
* Modular routing

Filters and effects

* 40 different filters in high-end quality (Analog, vocal, comb, elliptic, phaser, lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch, EQ, ...)
* 20 different effects in high-end quality
* 7 distortion types with warm, analog sound
* Programmable arpeggiator, step LFO and trancegate
* BPM syncable
* IQM for clearer chords (intelligent microtuning)
* 4x stereo unison
