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how to convert wave to midi for keyboard?

  • 2 replies
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Topic how to convert wave to midi for keyboard?
hello every one,if thier is any one who knows how to take all these free keyboard sounds out there and convert them into midi for bank files for my akai I would certianly apperciate it. :?
i think you are trying to mix apples with oranges.....

the way i understand it, is these GREAT keyborad sounds you speak of are samples of other synths.....right??

if so, then there is no way you can get a synth to repicate these sounds unless you actually reprogram the synth, and let me tell you from experience, its way too time consuming

what you really need to do is get your hands on a sampler, Virtual sampler will do, i recommend Gigastudio, i use on a regular basis. This sampler will be able to play these sounds and not have to worry about reprogramming or sending thru sysex, which is what you are doing thru midi.

hope this helps

Da' Muzicmn
for your akai....what?

sampler? keyboard?

if its a sampling keyboard you can record the sample from the out of the cpu into it...
