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Homegrown sounds Updates Black Magic

Homegrown Sounds has announced that it has updated Black Magic Loop Generator (Full & Lite) to v1.02.

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•    Ability to switch off MIDI pitch on a section (New column on the Kits Page) – this means that just selected sections will respond to the MIDI pitch changes.
•    Load and Save for SoundScaper for exporting patches and importing them later and into future Soundscapers.
•    Bug Fix – Pitch Mode was one note out now it can go to a full 2 octaves.

There are also two new versions of Black Magic available which have multiple outputs. M-10 has all 10 sections in mono plus the FX outs, whereas M-5 has five stereo outputs + FX. These versions were requested and due to their nature are for using as a drum module in hosts so that external effects and EQ can be used on each section.

The company has also restructured the in-progress Group Buy to a lower price range (and the first 60 people will also get Homegrown Piano, as well as Introjector, Organic Breakbeats, and Elemental Guitar Loops).
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