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Garritan's Personal Orchestra 5 now available

Garritan has now released Personal Orchestra 5, the latest volume in their flagship series that was unveiled some weeks ago at the NAMM.

Now available a few weeks late compared with original announced release plans, Garritan Personal Orchestra 5 features new articulations, playing techniques, choir groups and instruments (a more complete list is available here). It also incorporates Sonic Morphing, a new technology that claims to produce “seamless dynamics ranging” from the very quietest pianissimo to the loudest forte sounds, all this with a continuous variety of timbre changes along the way. Including over 500 instrument patches, it is based on the integrated ARIA Player, so no third-party sampler is required.

A VST, AU & AAX compatible plugin for Mac OSX and Windows systems, Garritan Personal Orchestra 5 is priced at $149.95 and available for download or on a USB flash drive. Registered users of the previous version can upgrade for $49.95.

More details and sound demos can be found at www.garritan.com.

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