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Iliadis Efthimia Organ

Iliadis has announced the release of Efthimia Organ, a new free / donationware "Hammond Clone Simulation" VST instrument plug-in for Windows.

Efthimia Organ
offers Clean Sine Drawbars for 2 Manuals and Bass Pedals, a Percussion Osc with the 9 “Standard” Harmonics, 2nd Generation Key Click Imitation from Iliadis, Vibrato/Chorus and Studio Reverb.


  • 147 Notes Polyphony.
  • 17 Steps Drawbars.
  • 9 “Standard” Drawbars for the Upper Manual, 9 for the Lower and 2 for the Pedal (16', 8') with a Clean Sine Sound.
  • A Percussion Osc with the 9 “Standard” Harmonics. Adjustable Decay and Level. A Knob switches Off/On.
  • 2nd Generation Key Click Imitation (only for the Upper Manual). Adjustable Carrier, Attack/Release and Level. A Knob switches Off/On.
  • Vibrato/Chorus. Adjustable Speed, Depth and Mix. A Knob works as a Selector between Vibrato and Chorus. 2 Knobs are available for Off/On. One for the Upper and one for the Lower Manual.
  • MIDI Channel Selectors for the 2 Manuals and the Pedal.
  • Adjustable Master Reverb (Studio Type), Tune and Level.
  • 32 Programs available.
  • A LCD Screen.
  • Vintage Look GUI (inspired from the NuBiPlus Organ).
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