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eaReckon Updates BloXpander

eaReckon has updated BloXpander to v1.0.5.

  • Optional “Info Slot”: a large green slot displays some computer resources usage (free and available physical memory + global CPU Load) or the current, previous and next scenes. This option is accessible from the general settings panel.
  • “All MIDI inputs” mode for the main controller (Basic Control mode only).

  • Selectable MIDI Scene Change delay (0.5s -> 5s).
  • New shortcut : “Shift + Del” closes the selected plug-in (yellow slot).
  • You can choose the destination directory during installation.

Fixed bug:
  • Potential crash on application close (using some specific 3rd party plug-ins).
  • A MIDI flow coming from the main controller could have slow down GUI refreshing. GUI elements that need an update consequently to an action on the main controller are now refreshed in another thread (improved speed and stability).
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