ifoundasound LiveProfessor 1.3
Newsifoundasound recently updated LiveProfessor to version Beta 1.3.
ifoundasound Updates LiveProfessor
Newsifoundasound has updated the beta version of LiveProfessor to v1.2.
ifoundasound LiveProfessor Beta
Newsifoundasound has released the first Beta version of LiveProfessor.
Ifoundasound LiveProfessor Alpha 3
NewsIfoundasound has released Alpha 3 of LiveProfessor.
LiveProfessor Updated To alpha 2.2
NewsIfoundasound has updated the alpha version of LiveProfessor to alpha 2.2.
Ifoundasound LiveProfessor
NewsIfoundasound has released an early alpha version of LiveProfessor, a new Windows application designed to be a effect rack of VST plug-ins.