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IK Multimedia Sampletank 2L
IK Multimedia Sampletank 2L
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Published on 10/31/08 at 16:00
Excellent feature set. The ability to control so many parameters for each instrument seems daunting at first, but the time I needed to change a guitar sounds from a hard pluck to a mellow one, I came to appreciate them being there. You can set up to 5 (tweakable) effects per instrument as well. SO what starts out as a simple clean guitar can become a funky wah guitar easily. You can also layer sounds to create some unique and interesting sounds. I was a bit disappointed that you must use a local drive to store the sounds. I did not have the 8 gigs of space required for the sounds on my local drive and it would not work correctly when I tried reading them off a network drive. I eventually bought a new local drive.

Price paid: $150

Very easy to use out of the box, but like most modern programs, it is well worth the effort to dig in and find the power withn the advanced features.


Top notch. I have yet to find a sound that sounds 'cheap'.

Everything feels like it's oozing quality. No complaints here


This is one of my goto instruments. It has just about every type of sound and the quality is so good it makes me sound good.

Originally posted on FutureProducers.com
Posted by: NFX ( 8-, 2005)