TopicPosted on 10/14/2009 at 09:04:49does anyboda know a alternative to the vst Massive?
I want make a good wobbel bass and I dont hae the money to buy massive from native instruments. So, does anybody know a good alternative to massive? Some vst's who aren't so expensie.
Thanks for the help?
New AFfiliate
Member 15 years ago
2Posted on 10/15/2009 at 12:37:32
only thing i can think of is CamelPhat 3 (fx) which can sidechain at different speeds to kind of make a wobble to any of ur bass's. but id save up for massive if u want full controll of ur wobble (puttin CamelPhat3 on ur massiv can do wonders) .
im new to forums n im not formiliar with the real terms of stuff thats y my description isnt perfect