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Korg Triton Le 61
Korg Triton Le 61

Workstation from Korg belonging to the Triton series

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«  Dancing Plastic ... »

Published on 05/22/11 at 09:19
Everything has been said I think ...


Post-M1 for 20 years, here the worst ctoie the best:

The worst:

- Complex Ergonomics (away from the purity aspect of M1 and its simplicity of use).
- Presentation (l o precisely the M1 was a superb finish and a very clean look), here everything plastoc 'low end.
- The touch keyboard is also down compared Monsignor M1 twenty years old (!!!!!).
- As for squenceur, it keeps no pattern or song in memory !!!!!!!! (Again the old M1 did !!).

The best: See below ...


... Is to say here:

- As mentioned above, post-M1 and practitioner Mtal (Mtal-indus and Mtal-Symphony), the M1 was somewhat limited in sound creation ...
- Here the sounds are powerful, thick and of uncommon quality in relation tablecloths (having a possd JX8-P, I was looking for its equivalent ...), tablecloths warm her following the rglages assigned to them (yes, those who criticize the Triton sounds should "put your hands in it" !!).
- Acoustic sounds them ... well we do it with acoustic instruments !!

The good slap and the surprise is this lack of coolness recognized M1 o analog tablecloths Arian and choirs were icy and become unbearable dsormais.

Interim progress on a large twenty years (he had a !!).

A little too typ electro or "techno" I got presets in its "boom-boom", but WYD sounds are very easy to reproduce (the original was also also the tablecloth which serves as Rammstein intro on "Ohne dich" ...) and other more beautiful than each other !!).

Short for my use on melodic intros and it is perfect, at least level sonorits ...


... Because apart from its sound, as evoked in chapter use is VERY dcevant!

Bought it a week ago for 350 euros unhappy, I keep it. But having put on sale for half my M1 I'll change my shoulder gun:
- Keep this Triton for its sound, and finally serve me via MIDI squenceur (even if it is mini-mini-level memory) and keyboard M1. For dimensions forcment you lose it!

Unless the SmartMedia rgle this problem of memory squenceur ...