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[Musikmesse] Yamaha MOX6 & MOX8

Yamaha will introduce a new series of 'Mobile' Motifs at the coming MusikMesse.


The Yamaha moX 6 and moX 8 are continued development models of the current Motif series. These new moX workstations combine Motif technology with multichannel USB computer integration and bundled VSTi’s.



  • 1217 votes
  • 355 MB Samples from the Motif XS
  • 256 performance with four arpeggiators
  • Recording on the Yamaha mox
  • Sequencer
  • Integration with DAWs and virtual instruments
  • Built-in audio interface with four inputs and two outputs
  • USB port
  • Bundled with the Yamaha YC-3B and Steinberg Virtual Analog Prologue


  • Safeandsoundmastering 15 posts
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 04/05/2011 at 04:13:48
    I bet these have come on a lot synth the days of the SY-85, yamaha keyboards have always had a good feel IMO. Perfect controller keyboards as well as respected synths.

    online mastering

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