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questions about a rap song called A92 , (Irish rappers)

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Topic questions about a rap song called A92 , (Irish rappers)
Hi . I have some questions about the slangs used there ; I'll post the sentences only (not the whole song) : please also tell me if you have actually heard or used these slangs before this song came out ;

i’ll swing my arm in a figure of 8 or i won’t leave till the whole clip empty (what does he mean by swinging his arm in a figure of 8?, a dance?)

my hand ting come like corona if it coughs twice then its turning you pack (here, does he really say pack or could he have said back with an accent? is to turn pack a real slang in use?)

He thought hе was big like (Mac?) till I pulled out this stick, tryna swing for backs (to swing for backs means what???)

I ying-yang like China, rip 2 G's, make them drip like designer (to ying-yang to stab right? , rip 2 G's means what? make them ... them who? his opps? his friends?)
