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Novation Remote 25
Novation Remote 25

25-Key MIDI Keyboard from Novation belonging to the Remote series

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Dr Driller Dr Driller
Published on 10/15/04 at 02:15
MIDI channel 16, each control in a config channel may have a DIFFERENT.
CONTRL for each choice between DIFFERENT type of controls ..

8 faders, 8 pottards endless pottards 8, 24 buttons, a touch screen, a pitch bend wheel and modulation, button stop / play / record / rew / ff ...

Ergonomics exellente: NBRS presets, record card to mark CONTRL, orders penss well.

USB connectivity and noon, USB power, mains or batteries.


Average keyboard but I've seen much worse, the faders seem not stable in the hand, and the endless pottards not enjoyable.

Simple, practical and ingnieuse.

>> Not need to read the manual: D


Making a little cheap.

thanks ergonomics well thought it really helps to keep control over bcp instruments, live for the endless pottards completly also switch between different mode of control with just the encoders and buttons are kept m My control over others.

It is installed at home, I think it will move, because it is good, despite a quality manufacturing probably related to the price offered for the possibilities: D