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Evolution Mk-249c
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BellesOndes BellesOndes
Published on 01/20/04 at 05:30
I opt for the new MODEL MK449C which offers 8 9 Pots and faders SERIES plus 49 keys and Pitch / Mod. The number of controllers I liked and I'm satisfied. lice have 240 Euros 19 noon controls in addition to keyboard is really standard. The USB / MIDI is a hot simplicity of use: plug and play!


Touch is good, the keys are relatively large but the limit is still 49 for live. on the other hand is very easy to use with the concept of combo buttons to activate the low-level functions. Nice. In addition to kno each set of assignable MIDI channel of diffrent gnral, practice.


Goodies: A quantity of standard controls, a 4-octave keyboard for a hyper attractive prices. Latency is extremely correct with no synthetic view of my SB Live Hard. Really conclusive.

Only problem: The pots and faders are high even when invoice, and must be handled with prcaution. After one month I have a dja floating a bit.