TopicPosted on 11/26/2008 at 13:22:06Studio monitors, HEEEELLLLLPPPP!
Hey guys,
just seekin a bit of advice , need a pair of good quality monitors for my home studio and wud like to spend between £60-£130 ish.
if you know a good make or even a good site that would be much appreciated.
New AFfiliate
Member 17 years ago
2Posted on 11/27/2008 at 05:56:39
Choosing a pair of monitors is something REALLY personal. You should go to any music store with one of your mixes, or at least some CD's you know very well, and see (or as a matter of fact "hear") the differences.
For your budget, you may consider used stuff, but anyway, you won't have anything terrific, especially in the low end...
Among your choices, you have Yamaha MPS5, Foxtex PM 0,5. I've heard that the new M-Audio low cost stuff is not bad at all for the price.
If you want low cost.....depending on what music you like to mix. krk rp5g2 for $134.99 each are pretty good start ups. Yamaha hs50m is pretty good for nice clean rock and country. M audio bx5a deluxes don't sound to good this year. Don't mess with fostex, fostex can be like having behringer. Krk 6 in is one of my favorite cheap monitors. remeber the way it sounds at a store is not going to be the same as hearing it in your room. be sure to take care of your boxes and make sure you can return your items, and for the love of god get an extended warranty. Try them all till you get it right. there is no such things as the best, its how you use it.
You can't pee in a mister coffee and get taster's choice! : )
THNX guys thts alot of help:D
i no its hard to reckomend spkrz @ that price...
i wud be doin alot of dubstep and low end music (subbass)
so a good low-end is hard to find in monitors of that price....
If you want low end to be referenced properly, for a good price try the KRK rp10s, m audio makes one too. now if you can find the older model it can be like 200.00 bucks. The new krk is around 399.99.
Your best bet is go for active monitors, they're so much easier to setup and use. I've got a pair of Mackie MR5's which are great which cost me around $600. The KRK monitors are good too. But for a good set of monitors to work properly, you'll need a room that sounds good too, so make sure you have little reflection in the room where you will be monitoring.