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Tascam Portastudio 414
Tascam Portastudio 414
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Steph4011 Steph4011
Published on 09/06/06 at 09:19
I Tascam 414 MKII possde on now for almost 2 years but I use it more because I had dboires with this unit. Now it is possible that I may be wrong tomb was probably also happen to others. I mean the rate of wow and flutter is such that reasonable I never got to do with good artwork and this since the beginners. So I returned the product to the store to purchase that did conscientiously measured by a laboratory specially. Verdict wow and flutter in the SPECIFICATIONS is mean = 0.12% RMS. However with musician friends or no means all that vibrates the guitar separately all it can, the singer who is not her voice so she shakes and even the bass is pounding ... srieusement gentlemen Tascam how can you sell such a device, not quality of service or what? Yet I tried everything for 2 years: cleaning the heads, rollers, tapes prconises by the manufacturer and I even bought a dernirement dmagntiseur ... Bof!
Nothing wrong I dare not even sell it so it is not good ...
Go even when I put 1 point for the dynamics even when it is excellent.