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July 24, 2010 editorial: comments

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Topic July 24, 2010 editorial: comments

Dear Fellow Audiofanziners!

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v233/206/106/26474920848/n26474920848_778478_6994.jpgSo it's summer in full bloom and you know what that means- a plethora of concerts and open air festivals to choose from.  For me personally, long gone are the days of camping and slugging it out for 3 days at outdoor festivals.  The vibe is unmatched- to be united under the sky with tens of thousands of other festival goers. Yet with time my ears have become more picky and huge open air concerts with their unpredictable sound quality are hard to appreciate among all the beer spills and elbow stabs.  Or maybe I am just too old for this!

To know more about the Thermodynamics of Rock Shows and how different environmental conditions contribute to sound quality, visit the article we published that was very popular.

Enjoy your next show and take care of you and your buddies.
