Fender Precision Bass (1972) - "Squier P-Bass"
I bought it at a local guitar center for $159 nothing everything. i honestly think i can get a better tone from my ass after having bad mexican food and take a wicked $hit. sounds bad. its a piece.…
Fender Deluxe Jazz Bass 24 - "Fender Deluxe Jazz Bass"
I bought this on Ebay for 325. The sound is great, nice style, love the active pick-ups. I learned on it and I know it'll carry me through many levels of expertise. There are a lot of lighter and…
Fender Standard Jazz Bass [2006-2008] - "Fender Jazz Bass Standard"
Purchased at Guitar Center used for $125.00 and it was a steal. (neck was way out, but a tweak adjustment fixed that). Used as a backup bass. Growing up in the 60's I always wanted a Fender Bas…
Fender Precision Bass (1972) - "Fender P-Bass"
I bought this in f-music for about 260 euro. i got this bass cos it looks cool and its pretty cheap I like the looks and the sound. It didnt come with a bag, strap,cables or anything. Plus both the…
Fender PB70-70US - "Fender Precision Bass"
I bought this bass at guitar center a couple of months ago. It is my second axe, i also have a Dean. I payed around $350 for it. The bass is awesome. It has an incredible punchy sound to it which i …
Fender Standard Precision Bass [1990-2005] - "Fender Standard Precision Bass"
I picked this bass up at Guitar Center a couple of months ago for about $350. This bass is awesome. For it's price it is probably one the best basses out there. It is awesome to play and it is buil…
Fender Jazz Bass Fretless Japan - "Fender Jazz Bass (Fretless)"
I bought this bass Cosmo's Music (Toronto, Ontario). I was looking for a fretless bass that day, and I found the only one on the shelf, I picked it up for $500, and since then, I have been unable to…
Fender Bassman 60 - "Fender Bassman 60"
I purchased this amp at Sam Ash. I had gotten a Squier bass pack before getting this and I needed a louder amp with better quality that would work for small gigs. I paid $385 for it. I like it becau…
Fender Mark Hoppus Jazz Bass - "Fender Mark Hoppus Signature Bass"
I purchased this bass from my local music store. I bought it because it looks awesome and sounds great. I really like the Seymour Duncan 1/4 pound pickups, they sound great. Also the jazz body with …
Fender Precision Bass (1972) - "Squier P-Bass"
I just got this bass five minutes ago and it is so sweet, the amp is great and it is good The looks, it looks great, the sound is great too, the sustain is good too one of the tone bottons is broke…
Fender Deluxe Jazz Bass V - "Fender Jazz Deluxe"
I was just looking for a second bass, everyone I see has a Fender, either a jazz bass or a precision. So I went to Mars Music they had afew mostly Black and all were Mexican, so then I went to Guitar…
Fender Frontman 15B - "Fender Frontman 15B"
I bought the amp at Mars music in Houston Texas about 6 months ago. I wanted to learn how to play the bass, a friend got me interested in it. I got a bass pack deal with a squier p-bass, the amp only…
Fender BXR 200 - "Fender BXR 200"
I got this amp at g n' c music store in pitston Pa. i paid $440 . with a 5 year warenty this is a great amp for just about any skill level but because of it's size i recamend to only picking one up …
Fender American Standard Jazz Bass [2008-2012] - "Fender Standard Jazz Bass"
I bought this "Made in Mexico" Jazz Bass at Music Star in Fort Wayne, IN as part of a package deal which included a trade-in of a Mexican Tele and the purchase of the bass guitar, a gig bag, and an a…
Fender Standard Jazz Bass [2006-2008] - "Fender Jazz Bass (Mexican)"
I bought this relatively new Lake Placid Blue Fender Jazz Bass (made in Mexico) on Ebay for about $275. I bought a Jazz Bass because I am a Fender fan, and I wanted the tonal variety this axe provid…