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Behringer FCV100 Dual-Foot Controller Problem on Korg Trinity V3

  • 3 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Behringer FCV100 Dual-Foot Controller Problem on Korg Trinity V3
Hello guys,

Please can anyone help me with my Behringer FCV100 foot controller I am using it with my Korg Trinity V3 as an expression pedal with a TRS stereo cable plugged onto the pedal's OUTPUT 2 on CV mode all the way to the Assignable (Pedal) port on my keyboard... the problem is that when i start pressing the pedal from the zero state where it is fully depressed... the volume stays 0 for a while (nearly the first third of the range is just no volume at all) then the volume starts to grow gradually until it reaches its maximum value even before the pedal is fully pressed, although on the global settings page 1 on my trinity I have it set to Master volume I also changed the polarity (between - and +) but the same problem.

P.S: The minimum volume knob on the pedal doesn't do anything, I've tried it on 0 all the way to 10... same result.

Overall the pedal is working fine, but I feel that something is wrong on there

[ Post last edited on 01/24/2016 at 04:26:06 ]

I think that I just have to live with it... lol

I am happy with it, but I'll be happier if this little thing works fine and gets fixed
Hey there SierraOne,

Sorry that you're having issues. I have a Morley wah/volume pedal with similar issues regarding getting no sound after depressing the 1st third of the pedal. But that's because it's an optical wah, so I opened it up to make changes so that it receives a signal early on.

I would try the following:
  • Try in mono mode with a mono cable
  • Reach out directly to Behringer support (the fact that the minimum volume knob makes no difference makes me wonder if the pedal, itself, is malfunctioning. If that's the case, it seems the product is covered by a 3 year warranty according to behringer, so perhaps replacing it will help)
  • Try the pedal with another instrument

Hope that helps. Sorry I can't do more!

Hello CaliMoose I really appreciate it, you've done just wonderful, thanks a million for your advise