How to automate your mix - A guide to mixing music - Part 109
LearningUp to now we've seen automation from a relatively theoretical point of view. That's all very nice, but the time has come to really take the plunge. And that's when the questions start to arise: how s…
Functional automation - A guide to mixing music - Part 104
LearningAfter addressing the "whys" of automation last week it's only logical that we start looking into the "hows" this week.
Introduction to automation - A guide to mixing music - Part 103
LearningIf you were to have the chance to look at the mix session of a commercial song you'd be more surprised by the sheer exuberance of automation lines than by the number of plug-ins used. However, most b…
The best MIDI interfaces for less than $100 - The top MIDI interfaces for less than $100
LearningMany modern audio interfaces don't offer MIDI connections anymore. And yet lots of us still have MIDI keyboards and/or controllers we don't want to let go of. Fortunately, there are some inexpensive …
A guide to mixing music - Part 102 - Questions to ask yourself before moving on
LearningDarn, is this series dedicated to mixdown long! But remember that Rome wasn't built in a day! Learning a new craft, regardless of what it is, demands a lot of time. That's the way it is, I can't help…
Modulation Effects - The Flanger Effect - A guide to mixing music - Part 100
LearningAfter having seen the chorus effect last week , today we'll discuss another beloved modulation tool, the Flanger.
The top large-diaphragm USB mics - The best large-diaphragm USB microphones
LearningWhy buy a USB audio interface when you could simply get a mic to record yourself? That's what USB mics are for: you take them out of their box, plug them in and rock 'n' roll! We polled our French re…
How to use tape machine and mixing console emulators - A guide to mixing music - Part 97
LearningAs promised, this week we'll see how to make the most of tape machine and console-emulating plug-ins.
The whys of using tape machine and console emulators - A guide to mixing music - Part 96
LearningThis week we'll keep on discussing distortion by addressing plug-ins that emulate legendary tape machines and consoles.
How to use harmonic distortion in a mix - A guide to mixing music - Part 95
LearningToday you'll see how to put into practice everything you've learned so far about harmonic distortion.
Getting acquainted with harmonic distortion - A guide to mixing music - Part 94
LearningThis week we'll continue exploring harmonic distortion.
Using Distortion During Mixdown - A guide to mixing music - Part 93
LearningThis time around, we'll focus on distortion.
Using Buses to Make a Mix More Cohesive - A guide to mixing music - Part 92
LearningIn the coming weeks we'll discuss in detail the so-called "glue" effect, in other words how to make the mix more homogeneous using different procedures. Today we'll discuss a simple method to emphasi…
The Relationship Between Reverb and Delay - A guide to mixing music - Part 91
LearningTo close the chapter dedicated to the use of delay during mixdown, we'll look into the relationship between reverb and delay.
Fill It Up with Delay - A guide to mixing music - Part 90
LearningThis week we'll look into a somewhat particular use of delay ─ as a way of filling up a mix. You certainly won't be able to use this technique every day, but it can come in pretty handy to "dress up"…