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Cubase vs. Adobe Audition

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Topic Cubase vs. Adobe Audition
so besides the midi capability of cubase, what are the main differences in the digital recording/editing aspect of it? My friend informed me that if you arnt going to use midi then adobe audition is better, is this statement accurate? help is greatly appreciated thanks
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Audobe Audition is easy to use.
Adobe Audition is also a complementary program to the more central host program Adobe Premiere Pro. The audio created by Audition is easily integrated into Premiere Pro for movie production. Adobe Photoshop and other Adobe products are also tightly integrated for movie production.

This does not mean I would not support other audio programs such as Cubase but I would hope they are designed sufficiently in some respect to be competitive. The only advantage I know of for Cubase is the ability to record Midi from a keyboard. Audition does not record midi tracks. I believe Audition can only receive those tracks as an analogue signal.
I need some help with the vst effect thing, i use cool edit pro 2.0 to record and i cant seem to find the "autotune 5" vst effect, its supposed to be on the direct x files, but there's nothing, i've copied the vst file to cool edits paste and so on and i cant seem to have it on cool edit...how do i add a vst effect to cool edit? i need some help pls :(