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Audix VX10

All user reviews for the Audix VX10

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  • LeBonzAieLeBonzAie

    Ravi! This is not a Neuman and yet ...

    Audix VX10Published on 03/22/12 at 15:44
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    For singing, the spoken voice live and / or outside the studio for recordings. Instruments as though I have not done much testing on this side except the guitar. The advantages of capacitors (accuracy, natural) without the drawbacks (sensitivity to sound, proximity effect, sensitivity to handling noise. What happiness for my own use after all!


    I use it mainly for my part voices speaking in private ... It is a good way to get the best possible sound by extracting the bad acoustics of untreated parts. After the remote microwave source should ideally remain between 10 to 25 cm (depending on the acoustics) so that it keeps the best grain possible without coloring. For…
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    For singing, the spoken voice live and / or outside the studio for recordings. Instruments as though I have not done much testing on this side except the guitar. The advantages of capacitors (accuracy, natural) without the drawbacks (sensitivity to sound, proximity effect, sensitivity to handling noise. What happiness for my own use after all!


    I use it mainly for my part voices speaking in private ... It is a good way to get the best possible sound by extracting the bad acoustics of untreated parts. After the remote microwave source should ideally remain between 10 to 25 cm (depending on the acoustics) so that it keeps the best grain possible without coloring. For recording the most remote, I'd prefer the hypercardio for this use. The sound is very natural shine without the kms105. Concerning repisse, I tried it on a song with playback at 80 cm back to the monitors and I was surprised that no feedback. A replay, the tape was indeed instrumental feeble. The polarity is effective cardio. Not bad at all for the scene I reckon if the singer is quite disciplined and do not troll around wildly screaming. Sounds gripping is well mitigated. Congratulations guys short of Audix. My only regret except the relative proximity of use is that it takes a little pop noise but now I'm nitpicking. It's just related to my personal use: voice recording alone. For the scene do not worry it's safe on this side. A product not sufficiently known in our region. Hard to get out of "references" in effect ... Try to convince yourself.
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  • freestyle07freestyle07

    Audix VX10Published on 03/11/10 at 12:54
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Micro powerful voice both in transplanted instument that, whether piano or guitare.il is very faithful to what he sends one .. need phantom power.
    Insensitive to ambient noise, so need to sing about .. and like his colleagues in audix, gender OM7, accepts and manages well the sibilants and "poustillantes.
    Basically look for the Neumann ksm105 I, too, is the advantages without the disadvantages of the capacitor.
    otherwise, I always understand why so little is audix rependu home.


    I use this one for a month, but I know on stage with the Audix OM7 already 2 years and I love the VX10 has presence even more pronounced
    I already have the neumann kms105 and to my tast…
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    Micro powerful voice both in transplanted instument that, whether piano or guitare.il is very faithful to what he sends one .. need phantom power.
    Insensitive to ambient noise, so need to sing about .. and like his colleagues in audix, gender OM7, accepts and manages well the sibilants and "poustillantes.
    Basically look for the Neumann ksm105 I, too, is the advantages without the disadvantages of the capacitor.
    otherwise, I always understand why so little is audix rependu home.


    I use this one for a month, but I know on stage with the Audix OM7 already 2 years and I love the VX10 has presence even more pronounced
    I already have the neumann kms105 and to my taste, the Audix is ​​much easier to manage live with the sound source on the scene ... neumann, is your property, but with a return management in atria, otherwise repisse too too, or he must artillery behind

    The price is higher, but I bought mine in the U.S.
    A remake, I make!
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