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Ibanez DM-1000

All user reviews for the Ibanez DM-1000

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  • choquettechoquette

    Ibanez DM-1000Published on 09/25/13 at 05:11
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Digital Delay "vintage" 12-bit 34KHz (Chorus and Flanger are very easy to obtain) max delay time: 1 second
    footswitch input for bypass, HOLD function (infinite loop)
    Modulation (adjustable speed and depth), basic EQ (1 TONE knob)
    you can select positive negative feedback / pulling the knob
    connectivity front / rear well stocked, DRY output / separate WET ...


    can not get any easier


    the sound is really interesting, much more than the delays Roland, Boss or Korg the same time, itch, with certain sound sources it creates for some strange harmonic overtones "do not pass" in the A / DD / A converter giving a small 8-bit effect. it is perfect…
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    Digital Delay "vintage" 12-bit 34KHz (Chorus and Flanger are very easy to obtain) max delay time: 1 second
    footswitch input for bypass, HOLD function (infinite loop)
    Modulation (adjustable speed and depth), basic EQ (1 TONE knob)
    you can select positive negative feedback / pulling the knob
    connectivity front / rear well stocked, DRY output / separate WET ...


    can not get any easier


    the sound is really interesting, much more than the delays Roland, Boss or Korg the same time, itch, with certain sound sources it creates for some strange harmonic overtones "do not pass" in the A / DD / A converter giving a small 8-bit effect. it is perfect for the sound "80" of course, but also for the Dub techno ...


    many people the home who tried rushed to buy one, different moèles (DM-500, DM-2000) are identical only the maximum delay time changes, 500ms for 500, 2 seconds for 2000)

    only drawback for use studio's sound levels of input / output are rather intended for guitar rack system (switch-20db or-10db)
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  • voicetrackvoicetrack

    Ibanez DM-1000Published on 09/14/05 at 10:19
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    <p>Digital Delay with analog control.

    - Time delay of a few milliseconds for the chorus and flange to almost one second.

    - Modulation of the delay time for the flanger, chorus and vibrato on longer delay.

    - Hold button to keep the loop

    - Severe acute balance input

    - Input switchable preamp microphone (the master</p><p>knob gain) </p>


    The edition is simply redoutablemen but the lack of tap tempo can make it a less convenient than others wedged in tempo.
    For the rest, nikel and very playful, they immediately wanted to do from the delay in all directions.


    Two sonoritées possible level of feedback (in Tirana on knob feedback)

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    <p>Digital Delay with analog control.

    - Time delay of a few milliseconds for the chorus and flange to almost one second.

    - Modulation of the delay time for the flanger, chorus and vibrato on longer delay.

    - Hold button to keep the loop

    - Severe acute balance input

    - Input switchable preamp microphone (the master</p><p>knob gain) </p>


    The edition is simply redoutablemen but the lack of tap tempo can make it a less convenient than others wedged in tempo.
    For the rest, nikel and very playful, they immediately wanted to do from the delay in all directions.


    Two sonoritées possible level of feedback (in Tirana on knob feedback)

    The breath machine may very, especially for a camera in this category.

    The sound delay is quite interesting as it is defined CRAD and at the same time. Made an imitable difficilemen on the current effects. Atention, it saturates easily discover and since it is a digital, analog synths harmonics can produirent of aliasigne that can make the sound very messy without it saturates provided at the entrance.


    I use it for some time but I have less and less a SDD1000 Korg has the "Tap" and the sampling but it is a super efficient machine.
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