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EMO Systems E520 Single channel passive DI box

All user reviews for the EMO Systems E520 Single channel passive DI box

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  • rilesriles

    EMO Systems E520 Single channel passive DI boxPublished on 05/31/07 at 15:38
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    It is a passive DI transformer.

    Input jack separate instrument (0 dBu max), line (max 20 dBu) and HP (max 40 dBu).
    Balanced output on XLR.
    Outputs and link to instrument HP.
    Ground lift on the XLR output.


    Depending on the source using the appropriate input jack.
    Nothing more complicated ...
    If it's buzz, it starts the ground lift and if it is still buzz ... but usually it does more buzz.


    The source must have enough level. Indeed, the DI is passive, it attenuates the signal.
    The sound is very round, with highs slightly down. Correct impulse response.

    I love the DI on synths and digital pianos cold or aggressive: it softens and…
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    It is a passive DI transformer.

    Input jack separate instrument (0 dBu max), line (max 20 dBu) and HP (max 40 dBu).
    Balanced output on XLR.
    Outputs and link to instrument HP.
    Ground lift on the XLR output.


    Depending on the source using the appropriate input jack.
    Nothing more complicated ...
    If it's buzz, it starts the ground lift and if it is still buzz ... but usually it does more buzz.


    The source must have enough level. Indeed, the DI is passive, it attenuates the signal.
    The sound is very round, with highs slightly down. Correct impulse response.

    I love the DI on synths and digital pianos cold or aggressive: it softens and gives them a hand "vintage". However this color is not always welcome.


    It is a venerable DI which is to have 20 years of age. It has a color typical of her own, which is not suitable for all sources or any ears, but that should be present in the range of a sound engineer.
    The DIs, such as microphones, are our first resort to give character to our recording. Unlike many fellow technicians, I do not like common DIs interconnection boxes.
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