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Thread Audacity: Trying to re-create a sound effect used for censoring

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Topic Audacity: Trying to re-create a sound effect used for censoring

I edit and censor tracks as a hobby (because it relaxes me and there's always some technique to learn). I mostly learnt doing it from analyzing other edited tracks, but there is a sound effect that, for the life of me, cannot figure out the way it's been created.

I use Audacity for my editing, I tried using the effects Audacity comes with, but that didn't create the correct sound.

If it's ok and the forum rules allow it, here is the original trackhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1v6RO44OWvfwAIEyidDRXCNVLkfw-aRds/view?usp=sharing and here is the modified track (extracted from a full mix by inverting the waves of the instrumental) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ASpA4YbGvFprAn63gKGfUXQ1E1iyLSuE/view?usp=sharing.

If anybody has any idea how I could replicate this sound effect, any advice and opinion is welcome.