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Behringer X32 Standard
Behringer X32 Standard

Digital Mixer from Behringer belonging to the X32 series


«  very good investment for my taste. »

Published on 03/02/14 at 02:29
Best value: Excellent
Is rack?

How many lanes, bus attendant, departures, returns ...)?
What is the type of connectors (RCA, Jack, XLR ...)?
32in - 16out (XLR) + 6in - 6OUT In jack (stereo RCA symmetrical with 2 doubles on in and out) + 2 XLR out - 2 Jack Stereo Symmetrical (exit to listen Monitor)

The parametric equalizer is it?
4 band parametric on input (low cut and more) and 6 bands on output (insert can equal 31 bands on outputs)

The effects section is it integrated?
4 slice effect fully configurable.

For digital consoles: What is the accuracy of the sampling (bits / kHz)?
44.1 or 48 kHz

Automation is supported?

What type of sync are supported?
no external sync


The general configuration is it simple?
very intuitive

The usual functions are they easily accessible?
direct access to the usual function, and ease of access to the most accurate function

The manual is clear and sufficient?
the manual is very basic, behringer Whereas it is for everyone to find his way to work with this console. but the manual is more than enough for live use of the beast in moin 1h.


The A / D converters and D / A are transparent?
CONVERTER the Midas are very good bill, the sound is really clear and easy to rework.

The effects and filters are effective?
efficase very simple to miseen work, and very full when we enter the most accurate parameter.

The dynamics are respected?


How long have you use it?
1 year

What is the particular feature you like best and least?
the remote control via iPad is convenient
the moin is the lack of color choices and logo on the display of slices.

Have you tried many other models before buying it?
Soundcraft Xi, Presonus StudioLive, Yamaha LS9 ...

How would you rate the quality / price?
nothing to say. this is a very complete console cheap.

With experience, you do again this choice?

General advice:
I, unwanted my X32 for 1 year now, I've never had a single bug. I happened to have a crash recording via usb stick (but reboutage console without problem on my mixes frontage) of a usb key of poor quality.
reminds me more of the old firmware too, I'm currently on version 2.0 Beta (we have more control over the ipad for now, but the shift will come).
a RTA was added, very convenient. in safe mode, I visualize the frequency on Selected slice, very useful.
the little gate be set at the opening of a specific frequency and choice.
diffent techson we work on for the first time last month, and they were all surprised and conquered by the console and made a little lost on the ergonomic grip and at the beginning, but his did not last longtemp.