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Boss BR-864 8-Track Digital Studio
Boss BR-864 8-Track Digital Studio

Digital Multrack-studio from Boss belonging to the BR series

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« Boss BR-864 »

Published on 11/25/03 at 15:00
I was given this unit as a birthday gift. I believe it cost about $750 Canadian.

It is very easy to operate. The manual is clear and I had it up and running in no time. Being a person who avoids electronics at almost any cost, I was delighted by the ease of operation. Resulting sound is brilliant, especially the quality of the vocals!

It's a bit fiddly to transfer the tracks to PC to be burned, especially if you're not at home with your PC when you are recording. Anyone that is on the road a lot would probably want a unit with a built in CD player. The drum tracks are a bit weak sounding, and were tough for me to program at first.

The unit seems very durable. It is lightweight and compact, and all the pieces are solidly put together.

For this price range, I would strongly recommend the Boss BR-864.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com