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Published on 07/14/06 at 16:16
Saxophonist and clarinetist, I had the opportunity to buy this product there are at least seven years. 7 years is a long and say that since there was a lot better ... Well no! It turns out that watching the news has not gone as far expendeur I believe in modeling sounds of wind instruments.
Associated with the controller wx11, I must say that the whole can only give satisfaction.
Usage is really simple. With the WX11 Wind Controller, change the on the fly is a breeze. The latter is frighteningly well-designed for even daring solos!
Two spouts which are provided with a reed. Cepdendant ADAPTS to play well with reed instruments, I opted to use the pitch wheel is conveniently placed on the controller and much more accurate and reproduces the effects that can occur with a acoustic instrument. (Including the trumpeters appreciate the pitch suited to their instrument!)
While this instrument tends to mimic real instruments but it is also possible by forging a software "build" his own instrument! Why not a saxophone mouthpiece on the body of a trumpet. And if it sounds crazy, I can tell you that it can find some really interesting sounds!
The + and -
+ Even now, the best synthesis of wind instruments. Controller associated with the wind, the sounds are alive because the "breath" is an integrated real-time parameter.
+ Expression in the game remarkable.
+ This hybrid instrument admirably supports the weight of years, the materials chosen are of impeccable quality.
+ In view of its originality / quality and the price charged could not be more reasonable!
The output-anologique dire fishing! We are obliged to put the beast to its maximum volume in a loss of quality of sound reproduction. This concern is not at all present in the headphones.
Was definitely not a fan of yamaha, they surprised me with the release of the expander which is located on a relatively small segment of the business perspective. I salute all the audacity that the final rendering.
Associated with the controller wx11, I must say that the whole can only give satisfaction.
Usage is really simple. With the WX11 Wind Controller, change the on the fly is a breeze. The latter is frighteningly well-designed for even daring solos!
Two spouts which are provided with a reed. Cepdendant ADAPTS to play well with reed instruments, I opted to use the pitch wheel is conveniently placed on the controller and much more accurate and reproduces the effects that can occur with a acoustic instrument. (Including the trumpeters appreciate the pitch suited to their instrument!)
While this instrument tends to mimic real instruments but it is also possible by forging a software "build" his own instrument! Why not a saxophone mouthpiece on the body of a trumpet. And if it sounds crazy, I can tell you that it can find some really interesting sounds!
The + and -
+ Even now, the best synthesis of wind instruments. Controller associated with the wind, the sounds are alive because the "breath" is an integrated real-time parameter.
+ Expression in the game remarkable.
+ This hybrid instrument admirably supports the weight of years, the materials chosen are of impeccable quality.
+ In view of its originality / quality and the price charged could not be more reasonable!
The output-anologique dire fishing! We are obliged to put the beast to its maximum volume in a loss of quality of sound reproduction. This concern is not at all present in the headphones.
Was definitely not a fan of yamaha, they surprised me with the release of the expander which is located on a relatively small segment of the business perspective. I salute all the audacity that the final rendering.