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Roland JUNO-Gi
Roland JUNO-Gi

Digital Synth from Roland belonging to the Juno series

larryco larryco

« A great toy, but .... »

Published on 11/05/14 at 14:25
See full caracréristiques on the manufacturer site.
61 keys, 1300 sounds, standard connectivity plus entries guitar / mic (XLR + phantom power) / line.
Recorder 8 audio tracks on sd card with guitar effects / voice / line.
No midi sequencer. :-(
It is very compact, "all in one", not fifteen machines to compose and record, and AC is nice and it does not mess in the living room! ;-)
And this with a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, not a computer!


Clear manual.
Very simple and intuitive.
Editing sounds is not so complete a hardcore synth but it&#39;s enough.
Split the keyboard childish.
Very light touch, not great but not catastrophic. The keys are slightly shorter than a standard keyboard, but this is not a problem and we quickly forget this detail.
A model of ergonomics in my opinion, no need of manual.
Everything is simple and clear, the number of buttons is sufficient without being too important not to feel like a "gas factory". We just want to play. Nickel.
Even the screen with big blue letters on black background (and not vice versa as in others!) Is very clear and nice.
Juno gi is primarily a musical instrument that makes you want to play right away, not like most workstations are great workstations, but give little inspiration. No midi sequencer here, I bought it knowingly, quite a handicap but it is perhaps what makes it so charming ... Because when you have an idea nothing easier than to save the fly and mix audio and MIDI (with guitar effects bosses who are loyal to the brand). A good point! No other manufacturer offers ca.
But beware! Small detail but very embarrassing for me: no COUNT IN! This means that when you press ca stores, like the good old days of cassettes .. And what could remedy, no auto punch-in either !!! Aw ...
So unless you are an experienced keyboardist and play your song perfectly in one go when you save, for others (like me ..), it&#39;ll be difficult to do something "clean". But against as I&#39;ve said for a singer / songwriter guitarist, you will record your ideas easily in 5 minutes, with one machine, and AC is unique in its class.
I still have my Yamaha QY 70 handy to have a base for parts that require quantification flawless. And then I save it in the juno and I add instruments, guitar and voice. But watch again, second negative: the recorder is not in sync midi clock with another device. So to synchronize the tempo of the juno with the rhythm you are going to record it, you can forget too bad ...


THE highlight of the juno gi.
It sounds.
The sounds are (too) many, tidy and easily accessible.
Pianos are many and all VERY good, you will always find yours. Not like the Korg kross where it seems they took a single sample and declined in 50 variations. No, there are all different and they all sound great, grand piano (4 presets) the synthetic piano-type keyboards .. The "wurly" are good and realistic, but lack dynamic as me, it is not worth yamaha.
Organs many outstanding! The best I&#39;ve heard on a synth.
Nylon guitars .. zero ..:-(
Steel guitars well but few.
Guitars superb.
Acoustic and electric well for synth basses I can not really say I do not use it., But it looks good.
Strings, well. Brass and wood, very well.
Choirs and voice and many among the best on the market in my opinion.
Drums: good but not so many that ca. Realistic acoustic and pretty electronics. But it seems to me they are a little unbalanced kicks are much too strong I think, and no possibility to adjust the levels separately, so bad ... But it all sounds the same.
And finally the category "synth" (leads and tablecloths) ... She is so bloated that you always find your happiness, something for everyone I assure you!


Well, I hesitated with a mox yamaha and korg kross, a pc3le kurzweil ...
And finally I took this one for audio recording with effects. And I do not regret it.
Certainly no MIDI sequencer, so to pieces nickels gonna be really hard (see above ..), but there is already dealing with what to do with a compact, simple instrument, which makes you want to play as sounds are very good overall.
Today the FA 06 arrived, so to see ...
But I think the juno gi is an excellent instrument "leisure" while being of outstanding quality.