DiMarzio DP155 The Tone Zone - jx22's review
translatedI IT CAN BE USED yesterday. My music store for me install anything on my cort 210 gm (yes, small). pemplacement it comes in the bridge and change a lot of stuff in spite of the scratches. It is mu…
DiMarzio DP102 X2N - shreddy-boy's review
translatedI have this microwave for 2 years, I bought it used, mounted on an old Ibanez RG 550 yellow ptant well, all for 150 Euros. At this price the c'tait plutt INTERESTED. This microphone is intended a p…
DiMarzio DP184 The Chopper - Flex le groove's review
translatedDouble the format simple. Big sound! Cousin of fast track 1 and 2 but for the neck position. I put it on a Fender Start Mex and there is nothing wrong. Coupled with a fast track 2 I have a "Sup…
DiMarzio DP182 Fast Track 2 - Flex le groove's review
translatedFeaturing also a Start (mex), I wanted to have a humbucker but free of violin. The Fast Track 2 I therefore proposed. from the first test on my amp, my distorted sounds were, of course, more potato…
DiMarzio DP155 The Tone Zone - Lonewolf's review
translatedSo then, my microphone is preferred but we will try to remain objective. The Tone Zone is what? According to legend already he was originally commissioned by a certain EVH (Eddie Van Hallen for sh…
DiMarzio DP196 Virtual PAF Neck - Fend.'s review
translatedMicro wonderful! I want to start prciser I use it for more than three months and I essaycompar with a lot of good trs mic handle: - ESP LH-200 - Dimarzio PafPro - Gibson Classic 57 ' - PRS…
DiMarzio DP155 The Tone Zone - Fend.'s review
translatedI used this mic several years. It possde normment bass, good midrange trs, trs well Submitted and little treble. It is far from aggressive as a microphone HS-6 example. It gives a big sound plutt …
DiMarzio DP189 The Tone Zone S - Fend.'s review
translatedIt possde normment bass, good midrange trs, trs well Submitted and little treble. It is far from aggressive as a microphone HS-6 example. It gives a big sound plutt clean. It is really trs trs prcis,…
DiMarzio DP403 Virtual Vintage Heavy Blues - Fend.'s review
translatedAn excellent microphone I install on the Start of a friend. It possde a grain and a Tone-specific single-coil vintage but with much more output level. This mic is really a ball of nerves incontrlable…
DiMarzio DP188 Pro Track - Fend.'s review
translatedTrs good micro grain vintage but prcis trs. Trs well equilibrated for a bridge position. It offers the chest and body, like an old PAF. Its output level too lev permitted simple rub of a Start with…
DiMarzio DP160 Norton - kinder_guano's review
translatedPassive humbucker splittable (4 son) in Alnico 5, two rows of studs (a rangerglable high) level of sympathetic outflow (352mV). I do not use that neck, coupled microphones not always trs bridge pu…
DiMarzio DP155 The Tone Zone - jmabate's review
translatedHello I use the Tone Zone DP 155 for over 5 years on an Ibanez EX 570 (position floyd). I find that my expectations rpond: high output, prcis, clear and of good rponses frquence low mdium a sol…
DiMarzio DP102 X2N - The Clairvoyant's review
translatedThen there is the slap! certainly not designed to play punk and other noise pollution, the micro deserves better than this! just listen to Chuck Schuldiner in DEATH play to realize the assets are wel…
DiMarzio DP755 The Tone Zone 7 - Igor O's review
translatedMont replace a Paf 7 on a Ibanez K7 agreement A # in the bridge position. The ToneZone not kidding: a hard death, sounds aggressive, big and fat. But the latter is also the default: while I find re…
DiMarzio DP755 The Tone Zone 7 - dtdfedoras's review
translatedI have been using an 8-year lag custom I like the sound consistent both clar funk that saturated but then we must choose the preamp or amp I have a personal ada mp1 and a mesa boogie v twin, well…