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best program to create your own music

  • 7 replies
  • 8 participants
Topic best program to create your own music

im new to this place, i have decks and DJ now and again, but i want to get into making my own music! ive got cubase SX but cant really work my head around it, what is the best program to use to create your own music not just mix tracks, for a beginner like me :D:lol:

Surely you can use FlexiMusic Composer, it is specially designed for novices to make their own music.
FlexiMusic Somposer isn't a bad software to start with but it is a bit limiting to the things you can do with it. I moved onto using SONY ACID PRO 6.0. Its a professional grade music editor that allows you to do things like, edit music, remix music, compose music. It allows you to add hardware interfaces into the system, mics, turntables, mixers, keyboards what ever you want. I, personally, use it only to remix music.

Check out this site, it has the cracked version of the software and it teaches you how to use it.

I just wanna add another professional tool I'm using at the moment - AV Voice Changer Software or Music Morpher Gold
Both are vary professional and it's up to your requirements on its functions!



[ Post last edited on 07/04/2013 at 00:11:14 ]

They are many and varied. Most of them just require a little concentration and hard work to figure them out. Digital Performer is one I would not suggest to someone who doesn't like to think through the technical end of things. I use Pro Tools but there are many and varied options.
I use FL Studio and for me This one is the best
I started to mess around with FL Studio when I was a kid. It was pretty easy and there are like over 1000s of tutorials on YouTube. Even free software can help you learn such as reaper.
I've been using Cakewalk for many years. It's much like Pro Tools and has a bit of a learning curve. -John