Serato recently anounced the release of Scratch Live 2.3.3, a new maintenance and bug fix release for SSL DJs.
Serato Product Manager, Nick, gives the latest version of Scratch Live one final test before release. Nick uses the Novation Dicers for cues and loops, as well as the Vestax VFX-1 for DJ-FX control.
Playback and file management fixes
- Rewrite of all metadata/tagging read/write of all MPEG-4 files. This includes .mp4, .m4a, .aac and various .mov files.
- Potential fix to seemingly random crashes during playback of files decoded by Quicktime libraries (mac).
- Fixed bug where autoplay was enabled after hot-plugging hardware.
- Fixed bug where some MPEG-4 files were being incorrectly marked as corrupt.
- Fixed bug where some files were not relocating after using 'relocate lost files’.
- Removed video file filtering. This means Scratch Live can now play audio from video files without having to have Video-SL installed.
- Fixed potential crashes when relocating lost files.
- Fixed MIDI mapped SL4 THRU button still triggering even when 'Lock Playing Deck’ is in effect.
- Fix for Grid Edit keyboard shortcut not cycling through the SL3 Aux Deck.
- Fixed Relocate Lost Files not finding files in some cases and sometimes losing information.
- Empty crates are saved to the root drive’s subcrates dir to allow the user to prepare a crate structure. NB: Empty crates are never saved to external drives.
Hardware related fixes
- Fixed bug where if SSL was started with the TTM 57 plugged in, it would increase its gain level if it was unplugged, then plugged in again.
- Fixed the TTM 57 B1-B6 button mapping so that their states match the state of the Scratch Live function to which they’re mapped to.
- CDJ-900 loop editing now works on deck 4.
- Fixed bug where some midi controllers wouldn’t display in the MIDI panel of the setup screen. Affected devices include the NI Kontrol X1.
- Fixed issues with the Pioneer MEP-7000 pitch and velocity controls.
GUI fixes
- When 'lock playing decks’ is in effect, the thru mode button is now disabled.
- Fixed bug where the waveforms were rendered a little low (horizontal mode).
- Fixed incorrect spacing for + pitch amounts on the GUI’s velocity sliders.
- Fixed bug where the bpm couldn’t be doubled/halved without the edit box seemingly clearing all text upon a key release.
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