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Universal Audio UAD-1e Express Pak
Universal Audio UAD-1e Express Pak

DSP Board from Universal Audio belonging to the UAD-1e series

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Published on 06/24/09 at 02:46
- What characteristics have motivated your choice?
The use of DSP resources to alleviate my processor and quality plugs that we hear much about it.

- For what purpose?
Mix in home studio

- What is your config (Motherboard / CPU / Ram / Disk ,...)?
PC, Core2Duo E4600, 2Gb of ram.


- The installation is done it without problems?
nothing to report

- Have you experienced any incompatibilities?
Not with me, but you can find cases of incompatibilities on the net

- The general configuration is easy?
Simple to configure and understand

- The manual is clear and sufficient?
The English manual is very comprehensive.


- The drivers are stable?
no problems to report at this time

- Are they often updated?
updated since the release of new plugins

- What software do you use most often?
CS-1, precision goddess transient designer

- What you get lag?
latency obtained depends on what the sound card.
if the latency of the sound card is 256 samples, the UAD will add its own latency, which would be 512 samples.
if the latency of the sound card is now 1024, the UAD add its latency 2048.
low latency, AU plugs use the CPU quite heavily on my PC, but high latency, it does nothing quality.
It is therefore useful to reduce the CPU at high latencies.

- How many tracks do you manage to record / playback simultaneously?
everything is said here: UAD Charts ( https://www.uaudio.com/support/uad/charts.html )


- For how long have you been using it?
I use it for 8 months

- What thing do you like most/least about it?
what I like most is the excellence of some plugins like goddess, plate140, the Transient Designer, Precision bus comp and the 1176LN.

what I like least is that some plugins are rather gadget pretext of vintage emulation, while they are at the same level as native plug-ins much cheaper or even freeware. What is great is that we are not obliged to buy them.
For my part, I overlook some with no regrets: EQ Harrison LA3A, maximize accuracy and limiter, Precision EQ, Precision enhancer fairchild, pultecpro, DreamVerb.

- Did you try many other models before getting this one?
I tried many freeware and native plugins (Voxengo, Kjaerhus, nebula3, OhmForce, DDMF, Bootsie, TBT ...)
I always use native plugins that are irreplaceable.
and I fell on some UAD plugins I found great.

- What is your opinion about the value for the price?
in my case, it was excellent.
€ 100 for a UAD-1 to OCCAZ
€ 100 for a new UAD-1e with $ 100 voucher.
plus some plugs enjoying good promos.
the price of some plugins is really too high.

- Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice?
This is very useful in general with plugins UAD is having simple tools with little adjustment and quickly get a meaningful result, and also the fact that they use almost no CPU resources.
it is a good complement of native plugins that I use every day.
I do not regret my choice.