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< All AG Audio Pro HCA 3.0 reviews
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AG Audio Pro HCA 3.0
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Published on 10/17/09 at 04:51
- How long have you use it?

2 years and a half

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?


- Good musicalitbr /> - Aspect seriousness, robust
- Reserve power relatively good
- Excellent performance in the bass, and perfect bound into 2 Ohms (although suprieur to electronic amplifier HPA)
- Progress on all the connections raliss rear, welds dried, for example. But still some problems dplorer ...

the -:

- The dust cover is dcrochent too easily (I Got)
- Weight

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

Almost all the brand Inter M (amp sound)
Then a lot of other models (Phonic, Audiophony, Mac Mah, Yamaha ...)
- How do you report qualitprix?

Nice, some default of youth, but good for the price.

If not in time to see the reliability I can not speak.

Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ...

Yes, for the good performance of trs complex load (100% reliability into 2 Ohms), and made good on the bass.