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AG Audio Pro HCA 3.0
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olivier78100 olivier78100
Published on 01/06/06 at 16:57
Hello all day have had the opportunity to try an audio ag HCA 3.0. I would direct it's a good amp there is no doubt a good momentum we feel that it was the maggot in the stomach.
the defects of an anvil sick this amp (good luck for the performance) and yes contrary to what people may think the truly weight n is not a sign of quality if the amplifier would then considered Powersoft larvae lol. and just for info the RMX 2450 is not playing in the same range both in terms of price and power is a good amp c c is obvious and it has an advantage it is so reliable, but allow time to time and see if the reliability is in ag c is with hindsight that we can see if its worth the cost.
Anyway I am pleased to have heard an audio product ag and we must say is very well made I would love to hear the audio speakers in ag a good chance this new french brand that I hope will be again this bonnifier over time