All Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales - Black Friday 2014: All the Deals
LearningFor this new Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale, Audiofanzine lists all the special deals available at audio gear manufacturers and sound library, audio plug-in and virtual instrument developers for ma…
Studio tips, techniques and wisdom from a producer, eng… - Alan Parsons Talks Recording
LearningAlan Parsons' career is as impressive as it is long. He got his start as an assistant engineer at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London...
Create a Rough Mix - A guide to mixing music - Part 11
LearningIn the last installment, I gave you an overview of the mixing method I'll be presenting in the upcoming articles. In that workflow, one of the first things you need to do is create a rough mix, and i…
Just for Laughs ─ Metal Bands - You Know You Are in a Metal Band When...
LearningPlaying in a metal band is something that can happen to anyone, even to the best of us. That's why you need be watchful. You know you play in a metal band when...
Talking about guitar building with the man who designs … - Video: Andy Powers - Taylor's Master Builder
LearningAndy Powers is Taylor's guitar design guru, tasked by company founder Bob Taylor to create new models, and in some cases, revise existing ones. In this video interview, Powers talks about how he rede…
A Method to Your Mixing - A guide to mixing music - Part 10
LearningThis time, I will give you an overview of the mixing method we will follow in the coming weeks. I don't intend it to be "The Method," since there are lots of other ones that are just as valid. Howeve…
Candid comments from the renowned producer/engineer abo… - Jack Joseph Puig Speaks His Mind
LearningOne of the best known and most successful producer/engineers in the business, Grammy-winner Jack Joseph Puig has worked with heavyweights like U2, Green Day, Stone Temple Pilots, John Mayer, Fergie, …
Critical Listening - A guide to mixing music - Part 9
LearningBesides guaranteeing "virtual headroom" and an optimal level to process each track with any plug-in or outboard gear, the "gain staging" method described in the last installment also allows you to ma…
Should You Go Paperless Onstage? - The pros and cons of using an iPad to view charts and lyric sheets on the gig
LearningIf you’re one of those performing musicians who needs to bring charts and lyric sheets to the gig or rehearsal, you might want to consider getting rid of all that paper and your music stand, and conv…
It's Your Gain! - A guide to mixing music - Part 8
LearningIn this installment, we will examine the first practical task of your mix, which also happens to be the last purely technical one. Once you've done it, you will finally be able to confront your visio…
A video journey through the Taylor Guitars factory comp… - Video: Taylor Factory Tour
LearningAudiofanzine recently visited the Taylor Guitars complex in El Cajon, California, and we shot a lot of footage during a tour of the factory. We put together this video to give you an up close look at…
Start Small, Think Big - A guide to mixing music - Part 7
LearningFrom what we've seen up to now, we could deduce the following: Mixing can be assimilated to assembling pieces of a 4D puzzle according to a given tempo to form a sonic moving picture. But what can we…
Time Is on Your Side - A guide to mixing music - Part 6
LearningAs eloquent as it may be, the puzzle analogy for mixing conceals a major aspect of music ─ in the end, the puzzle represents only a static image, yet music is essentially dynamic. So it's only natura…
Video: Altering Pitch with Melodyne Editor 2 - Change pitches in melodies and inside of chords with Melodyne Editor 2
LearningCelemony Melodyne Editor 2 is a powerful plug-in and standalone editor that can do a great deal of impressive DSP, involving both pitch and time. In addition to corrective work, it can also be used c…
A Mono/Poly Game - Sound synthesis, sound design and audio processing - Part 9
LearningIn the previous articles we saw what makes up a synthesizer's basic sound chain: Oscillators, followed by filters and an amplifier, plus envelopes to control them. We also saw that an oscillator can…