Shure 849 - " A good microphone overhead"
translatedCardioid electret OVERALL OPINION I use it for a few months and I am not disappointed. I previously used a pair of ATM10 and a pair of PG81. The sound is less aggressive compared to PG81 I …
Shure Prologue 16LLC - " Efficient, economic"
translatedElectret cardioid microphone back. Powered by 1.5 V AA battery in the microphone body. On-off switch. XLR 600 Ohm OVERALL OPINION I, I bought a pair ages ago for recovery of instruments on …
Shure Beta 87C - acromontagne's review
translatedMicro Chant static scene. Cardioid 87A which is contrary to hypercardioid OVERALL OPINION I for one year. Much more heat than the grain and SM58. At least for the whispered voice, it's huge. I …
Shure Beta 87C - moncalme's review
translatedBeta 87C cardioid, vocals, guitar ... electrostatic OVERALL OPINION I have been using PRS 3 years, nothing to do with a dynamic microphone, the sound is not that is the voice is warm and well…