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< All Fender Mark Hoppus Jazz Bass reviews
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Fender Mark Hoppus Jazz Bass
Fender Mark Hoppus Jazz Bass
MentalitaUltra MentalitaUltra
Published on 01/11/04 at 04:24
I reviejn on my mind a year after ..... ultimately it is the mediator but the very edge quickly to play the finger ... it will be a remake I do not think I will necessarily that the .. it is certainly it is not a FERDER exepionel ...
this low I passed a huge cap but a beginning is sad view these very edge ....

BUT it's still a clean and beautiful bass .....


The handle nice, I preferr the handle of a lower precision than the jazz that makes a nice mix.

a very beautiful form the well-known jazz bass with very simpa color.


Good sonoriten quite nice but lacks the slamming ... sad micro lacks a bit of fishing ...


I had a precission bass and try some jazz in front of the mag to find ..
I do not know if I repeat that the ....