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Fender PB-57
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cedart cedart

«  The hearts »

Published on 06/18/11 at 21:24
Value For Money : Excellent
This is the Japanese version of the Fender 57 Precision Bass with 80 Micro US's alder body with 2 pieces, sunburst 2 tons.Plaque copper color anodized ....
Single precision bass style bridge with vintage-style bridges 4
Maple neck with C shape rather thick compared to an Ibanez, but very easy to play anyway.
20 frets fairly thin, allowing a string action low and therefore a greater playing comfort.
1 Volume, 1 Tone 1 micro precision US's 80
The simplicity in the rough.


The handle is very comfortable, well thought out ergonomics with an ergonomic cut. The weight of around 3 kg, the easy ccess to acute but not disconcerting at the same time it's a bass!! and not a claim of Guitar-Hero!
To obtain a no complications it must have two depending on the position of tone control! And for me it is the ultimate bass sound as I've always heard the best cakes ....
(Pink Floyd, Cure, Rolling Stones ... etc)


I play mostly 70's rock blues, and dark wave, and it is perfect ...
The resulting sound is very low, medium, with one side a little due to slamming maple neck ...
I improve the sound of the bass with a Line6 POD XT Live, which allows me to access a wider range of sound and an MXR Blow Torch for distortions, an MXR Phase 100 for sound and Psyche Q-tron over to the side and there it moved Funky, connected to a Markbass Combo 400w Head. With this configuration even the most brutal drummers can let go!


I use it for 6 months in concert and home studio. I have a five-string Ibanez with Bartolini electronics, even if it does its job very well I prefer the simplicity of its precision and unique that it has a more neutral side respecting the quality of play the bass. So the Ibanez elected to home in its case!
Quality / price ratio excellent opportunity in a site well known Japanese Used ....
I would do without a doubt this choice and why not one day acquire a United States New Old Spec?! But it's really the same budget!