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G&L SB-1
G&L SB-1

4-string bass guitar from G&L belonging to the USA series

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Billy Bégonia Billy Bégonia
Published on 10/27/08 at 05:55
Mine is exactly the same as the picture
Made in USA (mid 90)
21 frets, 1 micro-type precision
G & L bridge sumptuous
Channel a bit slimmer than that of a precision, maple fingerboard.

Simple and effective


The handle is a delight
access to acute is uneventful. We play on the 21st square without any problem.
the bass is perfectly balanced and not too heavy (compared to my G & L L2000)
It's part and it rings right away. The tone control is very effective


"Are they suitable for your style of music?"
I find this question con. In my opinion, correct any low can play any music. Following is a question of taste.

I use it plugged in:
Hybrid head Ashdown + 1 2 * 10 cabinet Eden: beautiful
a preamp SansAmp PSA1: superb
head + cabinet Ampeg 8 * 10 "super
Premap Studio API: superb

This bass gives a precision-type sound with more depth and a little something from the old musicman in the attack.
Fingers, pick, and even slapper, it's a treat.

I am not 10 because it could be more versatile

One year later, I find it lacks a bit of chest compared to a old precision. But it catches up very well with a good amp.


I use it for 3 months again, recording and concert yesterday
I like everything about this bass
I just wish she does not like coffee and it can not produce the sound of an old gibson mahogany.

With experience, I do it again this election