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Johnson Guitars Jazz Bass
Johnson Guitars Jazz Bass
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Kortex22 Kortex22
Published on 04/19/07 at 01:17
Value For Money : Excellent
- How many frets, what kind of micro as well as their configuration?
passive. 20 frets only ...
The EMG pickups, a jazz and precision, have a good potato. However, the micro Jazz silent hill too prs ropes for mine (the coup sore fingers).
Pb also on rglages origins (of mine), the strings taient go too high and even when curled. It took a little touch of twist of the screw shaft.

- What are the rglages (Volume, Tone slecteur micro ...)?
volume micro jazz
volume micro bass
tonalitbr />
the tonality is not empty using mostly they are no graduation.

- What type of race?
handle jazz

So I put 7 / 10


For beginners I am, she appeared trs enjoyable to use. Ergonomically I do not feel limited ... except the mic jazz too high to hurt the fingers and the handle that bordered because evil rules :-)

Access in acute ... Ben stops on the 20th box.

A little heavy compared a fender jb I could try, but I have not had any pb with a. Instead it falls a m'vite rear. And the bass is not for the Tapti :-)

- Gets it easy to sound good? ...
The beginning that I was well liked the sound that came out. I was afraid to have her not rev high but not to worry.


- Appropriate are your style of music?
rock - ok
tripop - ok
funk - ho hum, I would say, lack of energy. I russi not make it sound like I wanted.
Song Franaise / gypsy song - it's far from a bass but I had not felt to be cot plate
- With what (s) amplifier (s) or effect (s) do you play?
Laney R2 (120w 12 ") and Vox 100w 15". Its much warmer with the Vox or vintage. Trs enjoyable to play in the bass. Laney on, looking back on his more silent prcis more ractif. Now the relationship with the bass ...
No effect.

I add that I jou an era on the PC - the jack plugged into the sound card - for want of better. The sound silent sr pourrav well but if I pushed the microphone just below the max and with adjustments to the parameters qq windows sounds, I qqchose to correct. But I have not done a long time (few weeks) to not screw up my small speakers Creative (c speaker of shit I prcise, that which gives you the pc are better).

- What kind of sound you get and with what rglages ("crystalline", "bold ",....)?
hey you going to say yes a fat is good. or diffuse. the rest I know.
- What are the sounds you prfrez, you dtest?
I hate it when a frieze on the 12th box because the handle is poorly rgl.


- How long have you use it?
18 months

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
:-) the price and the fact that, try to get a REALLY low-end bass, to 160 Well it does not care too much of your mouth (from the rglages to Re-enter).
And she is pretty too :-)

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
Nan. Premire C'tait my bass. bought on ebay (I know it trs never do a con, always try tuojours)

- How do you report qualitprix?
Excellent. really. It's just a good low RULES wrong.

- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...
I just try. And yes I do it again this choice.