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Squier Affinity Badtz-Maru Bronco
Squier Affinity Badtz-Maru Bronco

4-string bass guitar from Squier belonging to the Artist series

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Maolyn Maolyn
Published on 09/02/07 at 14:59
Value For Money : Excellent
Made of Indonsie
19 Medium Jumbo frets
A micro Special Design Single-Coil (sounds like a Fender Mustang microphone - guitar)
Bridge 2-Saddle Chrome
Rglages: Volume, Tone (two pretty metal knobs as in PB)
SLAR in Channel C

And I would add: no body contour! Okay it's low end, but even if it is to put the same body as the Mustang, as much to do with the body contour is more comfortable ... Finally, it's just a good dtail but it's a shame.


_The Handle is very small, get used to beginners, but for my part I find it enjoyable to play, it is especially useful for guitarists / bassists like me.

_L'accs To acute is very easy, especially given that there are only 19 frets it does not go away ... trs u_u

_for Ergonomics then as I said above is trs damage the body did not t "contourisquot, as the Mustangs (which have the same body). However it is still comfortable and trslgre.

_on Easily obtain a good sound (although everything is relative), given the number of settings, it will not spend two hours.


_The Sound suited my style of music (rock / post-punk / new wave), and are for nickels and other types of punk rock. For jazz as the limit should be, but hey it is not really made for was there that look at ... same thing for metal and other noisy drive.

_I Have tried it on a huge peavey, a recess help, so big sound. It's always better on a good amp that sends large well ... with chtit prampli lamps I think the sound of this bass is just horny.

_with The Tone knob to max turns in the direction of clockwise, we obtain a well slamming, perfect for rock and post punk, its really a PB in the genre, and with the knob of Tone Max turns the other way, we get a round the trs, trs big, but always with the precision, is also, depending on what you are looking for. The sonic palette of this toy is not standard, but we know what we want ... me it suits me perfectly.

_The Sound I prfre? Yen Ben is no mass, but I would say with all the mediums, ca balance well. Sr Although, if you have a PB ct you will hear the difference ... but this is not the same price range.

I put 4 stars becaufe when even for a lower inlet end, she's a whore. Squier Congratulations on this one.


I had to try five times in all, every time I see her in a shop of instrumentals, I love it but I'm not the gold coins to take home with me ... Ending for

The report price is unbeatable quality, three or four times cheaper than a Fender Mex PB, and ten times cheaper than the USD for a ... not bad. I live here in the Bronco-Mxique costs about 2700 pesos, or in 190 euros, and many new sr! Is given.


_The Mouth, we like it or not, but I found adcal punk, I agree
_The Sound: even when there is something to be surprised if a good sound out of a toy like that
_L'ergonomie: Light and not tiring little like his big sisters PB and JB ...


_19 Frets, but hey, it's low, it is not to mumuse in acute XD
_Dommage For the absence of body contour, they really chipotent to reduce the manufacturing cots ...
_A Other micro t would be welcome for more of Versatile but hey, we will not. And with a little more gold coins, limited to a good luthier you put a seymour duncan PB and a three position selector ... yum I dream but it would try the

Excellent qualitprix.

If you have 1000 euros to a PB Army, if you prfrez the ergonomics of a short scale, if you like the sound and the mouth: what you do even the Do not hesitate if you like;)

Edit: Here I bought it, and I'm really happy.
If you want to hear it, I used it on my resume transmission, coutable on myspace dot com/maolyn666. Trs good sound!