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Stagg BC300
Stagg BC300

4-string bass guitar from Stagg belonging to the BC300 series

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jeannotcollabo jeannotcollabo
Published on 02/13/05 at 07:32
Audience: Beginners
Well, obviously it's made in Korea or somewhere là.Elle has 24 frets, a type of micro precision micro jazz and a volume by microwave and a general tone? Mechanics has oil bath I think. This is sufficient as a feature I find to start.


I find the handle very nice, then surely there is necessarily a question of goûts.Bon, in terms of access to acute, he say that about 24 cases, there is really only 22 really easily affordable (see 21) but it is enough I think, right?
For the game sitting is perfect, the game up too, I do not know what to be his major faults in terms of ergonomics, especially since it is very légère.Elle seems pretty versatile thanks to its 2 microphones well différents.Elle obtains a good rating for what is the utilisaton


So good I played a lot of different stuff, so with settings very différents.J love sometimes have a well rounded, very fat (I do not really know what people mean by fat but good) for the by Metallica example, sometimes a more banging for stuff like Sum 41, Blink182, but it is also suitable for the slap, the tapping.Mais anyway, do not forget you newbie who wants to buy you a first low as we can tell you the sound is pretty pa gnagnagna round or you are slipping it fucks people there often overlook the pots of the amp, and with both pickups and tone and more, you can play what you want, jazz metal, the slap of tapping, rock, punk, hard rock, obviously you will not uen ibanez 5 string if you play the korn, you will not if you play an accuracy of sum blink or you will not have the Pastorius Jazz is good but to start playing on the same temps.Je Carlsbro 50w amp with an effects pedal shit (zoom 607) and further increases the good ca possibility of sounds différents.Elle does not win much in tone as AC is only 200 euros pa but it is provided it is not good for beginners.


I use it for a little over six months and quite honestly I think it's great to start, I did not try many other models before but anyway, my budjet would not allow me to buy better now. I think the price / quality ratio is very good because it is versatile, lightweight, inexpensive and yet strong enough (the only pb I had with it is the jack in which merdée I know why but here it goes better now just by having barely removed and tampered with). I would do this election if the financial conditions were mêmes.En any event for 230 to 240 euros in stores it is really worth.