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Washburn S70
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Dbman Dbman
Published on 11/06/11 at 06:29
Just to complete the previous opinion ...:

After some research on the net, the S70 has been manufactured in the United States and in Japan, with the provision of the Washburn pickups, electronics and hardware by Status in England. The parts are identical to the Status Status of the same period.

The pickups are passive, with 2-band active electronics boost / boost: one with a central knob that allows a serious boost to one side, and a sharp boost to the other (config Steinberger éaquipées identical to the preamp Haz ). There are two configurations: one that has three knobs, and the other four. Config "3" is: volume, balance, tone active config "4" is: master volume, neck pickup volume, bridge pickup volume and tone active. For this latest version, it adjusts the volume of each micro idépendament the other, while maintaining a constant output level determined by the overall volume.


Beautifully balanced for a headless, and relatively light. I say relatively because it is heavy compared to some modern low boix exotic and lightweight.

The key is phenolic resin (such as Status, Vigiers, Steinberger basses and other graphite shaft), but unlike true Status, the handle (driver) is maple. It is nevertheless a real treat: nice and fast. Key resin there is probably no stranger!

For the body, is composed of three parts: two "wings" (ie the parts glued to the neck-through) and reported very pretty table (painted brown translucent typical fashion of the time launched Alembic). I do not know the essences of various parties.


Big modern sound, really. "Very aggressive" in Stingray to "very roots" with serious substance and neck pickup only, to recess by the sound typical Status: Mark King


Really a nice low both in terms of sound, as the look.